Perceptum Sp. z o.o. has been set up to ensure providing legal and consulting services of highest quality.
The company consists on the services of highly qualified specialists: attorneys-at-law, lawyers, financial analysts, HR specialists and real estate managers, who combine their legal and financing expertise gained during long-term cooperation with clients, among others with Polish and foreign investing funds with a focus on our clients' objectives, producing solutions tailored to their individual needs.
We provide overall legal and consulting assistance to our clients who conduct business activity not only in Poland but also across Europe (i.e. Germany, Belgium, Italy). We provide legal services in a variety of languages, including: Polish, English, German, French. We have particular experience in respect of commercial/business law and taxation of international companies investing in Poland. One of our focus areas is to help international investors who operate in Poland through different Special Purpose Vehicles, which are a part of financial and tax structures and we serve them with all needed assistance in this matter in Polish legal environment.
Our clients are mostly the companies from the construction, development and real estates sector, but also from the gastronomy, hospitality, shopping centers, textile and fashion.
Legal and consulting services provided by Perceptum sp. z o.o.
Tel. +48 (71) 719 87 15
E-mail: agata.swiderska@perceptum.co
Tel. +48 (71) 719 87 17
E-mail: magdalena.pawlowicz@perceptum.co
Tel. +48 (71) 719 87 12
E-mail: natalia.platt@perceptum.co
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